Happy Holiday Season Everyone!
Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 5:30pm. Marvin High School’s Band will be coming to Providence Acres to play some Holiday music!
The band is planning on playing at 6:00 pm at the intersection of Cottonfield and Cottonfield. They will play 4 songs providing a wonderful backdrop for some Holiday fellowship with your neighbors.
We’ll have Christmas music and hot chocolate for our neighbors while anticipating the arrival of the Maverick Marching Band.
Also, what better time to share your favorite cookies with your neighbors! Think of it as a covered dish outing with cookies. Bring a chair, and some cookies, and enjoy some Holiday music from our local high school band.
Bands are always needing donations. This would be great to provide a donation from the neighborhood to the band for this project. We did pay the fee of $50 to get on their schedule but what an opportunity to say thanks for this wonderful way of spreading Holiday cheer in our neighborhood.
The band should arrive at approximately 6:00pm. So get your chair and get set up early for a Christmas Carol Extravaganza!
If you have any questions you can contact any of the board members! Also, we are updating our email list and distribution so, check with your neighbors to make sure the word gets spread!