Save the date for 2018 PAHOA Fall Picnic

September 12th, 2018 by admin Leave a reply »

Our annual Fall Picnic will be held on October 13th, 2018 at 1:00pm. The HOA will provide BBQ this year! More details to come on this event!

During this fall meeting, plot owners in good standing with their annual dues, vote for members to serve on the HOA board. One vote per plot. It’s important for the vitality and development of the homeowners association that we have new members serve on the board. New and fresh ideas are a good thing. We are fortunate to have some current members that are willing to serve again on the 2019 PAHOA board but we would appreciate some new (or previous board members) volunteers to serve. It’s a great way to meet the neighbors and learn more about the neighborhood, town, and people.

We will be sending out notifications of the Fall Picnic soon, along with your board members calling our contact list.


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