Posted by CarolinaWeekly on August 3, 2012 in News
The Weddington Town Council and town planning board will kick off the development of the 2013 Land-Use Plan on Thursday, Aug. 9, and they want the public to get involved as much as possible.
The plan is designed to serve as a guide for public and private development and land use decisions, providing strategic guidelines for growth as the town moves forward over the next few years.
“These guidelines, policies and strategies will assist in developing an aesthetically pleasing, small-town community and provide a superior quality of life,” Mayor Walker Davidson said.
Davidson said the plan is the primary tool in the planning process and serves as a mechanism for Weddington to plan any future growth or expansion. At Thursday’s meeting, which Davidson encourages residents to attend, the town council, planning board and other officials will discuss the scope of the plan, the data collection process and a timeline for the development of the plan.
“We hope to define the scope and develop a plan of action to create the 2013 Land Use Plan,” Davidson explained, adding the plan will have a huge effect on residents since it will determine what the Weddington of the future will look like.
“Citizens are encouraged to participate in the development of the new plan,” he said. “This process is a way for the citizens to voice their opinion regarding their vision of the town. There are still a lot of undeveloped parcels in Weddington. If the town of Weddington does not have a land-use plan that reflects the vision of its citizens, then we will probably have some unhappy citizens in the future who won’t like what will be built on the undeveloped parcels next to their neighborhood.”
So, he said, Weddington neighbors who want to play a part in that future need to set aside some time Thursday.
“Residents who attend will get a good understanding of the scope of the work and the process that will take place over the next few months,” he said.
According to Davidson, the land-use plan currently in use was developed in 2002 and was amended through 2006. That plan was designed to serve as a guide for public and private development and land-use decisions through 2012, which is why a new guideline must now be developed for 2013 and beyond.
The meeting is Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Weddington Town Hall, 1924 Weddington Road. Contact the town clerk at 704-846-2709 or at [email protected] for additional information. Call town hall from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday or Friday.