2013 HOA dues

January 7th, 2013 by admin No comments »

Hi folks!

Your 2013 Providence Acres HOA dues where mailed out on December 15th, 2012. Payment is due no later than January 31st, 2013.

Just a reminder that dues are very important to our neighborhood. The funds keep the front entrance landscaping looking great, provides safe streetlights and supports our neighborhood fall and spring picnics. You also signed a contract when you purchased your home here in Providence Acres agreeing to these dues.

Please take the time to get your payment in on time.

Cheers for a healthy and happy 2013!

Fall Picnic 2012

September 11th, 2012 by admin No comments »

The 2012 PAHOA Fall Picnic is scheduled for October 14th, 2012 at 1:00pm at the Jacobs home. We will have the set up in the Jacobs’ front yard this year. So mark your calendars and look for your ballot coming soon in the mail.

Your HOA board will be providing BBQ and iced tea, lemonade and paper products. We ask you bring a side dish, a chair and come to the HOA Fall meeting and vote for the 2013 board! All plot owners in good standing with their HOA dues are eligible to vote.

The HOA could use some new members. Most of the current board have been serving for many years.  Just as in previous years we are always looking for new people to be on the Home Owners Association Board. Being a good neighbor is what it’s all about. It’s also great way to meet and get to know your neighbors. Giving your time to ensure the quality of Providence Acres is well worth it. We encourage you to join the the PAHOA team!

Feel free to contact any of your board members for details or just send a comment to the website administrator.

Weddington turns attention to land-use plan

August 10th, 2012 by admin No comments »

Posted by CarolinaWeekly on August 3, 2012 in News
The Weddington Town Council and town planning board will kick off the development of the 2013 Land-Use Plan on Thursday, Aug. 9, and they want the public to get involved as much as possible.

The plan is designed to serve as a guide for public and private development and land use decisions, providing strategic guidelines for growth as the town moves forward over the next few years.

“These guidelines, policies and strategies will assist in developing an aesthetically pleasing, small-town community and provide a superior quality of life,” Mayor Walker Davidson said.

Davidson said the plan is the primary tool in the planning process and serves as a mechanism for Weddington to plan any future growth or expansion. At Thursday’s meeting, which Davidson encourages residents to attend, the town council, planning board and other officials will discuss the scope of the plan, the data collection process and a timeline for the development of the plan.

“We hope to define the scope and develop a plan of action to create the 2013 Land Use Plan,” Davidson explained, adding the plan will have a huge effect on residents since it will determine what the Weddington of the future will look like.

“Citizens are encouraged to participate in the development of the new plan,” he said. “This process is a way for the citizens to voice their opinion regarding their vision of the town. There are still a lot of undeveloped parcels in Weddington. If the town of Weddington does not have a land-use plan that reflects the vision of its citizens, then we will probably have some unhappy citizens in the future who won’t like what will be built on the undeveloped parcels next to their neighborhood.”

So, he said, Weddington neighbors who want to play a part in that future need to set aside some time Thursday.

“Residents who attend will get a good understanding of the scope of the work and the process that will take place over the next few months,” he said.

According to Davidson, the land-use plan currently in use was developed in 2002 and was amended through 2006. That plan was designed to serve as a guide for public and private development and land-use decisions through 2012, which is why a new guideline must now be developed for 2013 and beyond.

The meeting is Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Weddington Town Hall, 1924 Weddington Road. Contact the town clerk at 704-846-2709 or at [email protected] for additional information. Call town hall from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday or Friday.

Water Tower Update

June 19th, 2012 by admin No comments »

Just prior to most recent Weddington Town Council meeting (6/11/12) the public and council members were given an update on the status for possible sites for water tower within the city. Per the County and Public Works director Ed Goscicki the need for the tower has been established and it is going to be built somewhere within our town limits. The updated information really didn’t change much from the previous list. However our current town council is very sensitive to putting this tower near residential areas.

Currently the town gave the OK for the county to contact several property owners regarding land availability and pricing. This is just the beginning of the whole process.

The plot nearest us is still on the list, however it is low on the list. 3 of the 5 WTC members, Pam Hadley, Barbara Harris and our mayor Walker Davidson along with the Public Works director were in favor of putting the tower near the center of town. Near the only commercially zoned property in Weddington. Which is located behind the old Weddington Methodist Church (back near the graveyard) This location meets all the criteria they are looking for: Availability, Elevation, Location to the main waterline, and it’s proximity to residential areas. It’s likely that the church will fight this location (just like they did previously). But in my opinion, this site really does make sense.

The comments were not votes, just direction for Public Works to pursue. The site nearest us is NOT off the table. Former WTC members Jerry McKee and Nancy Anderson were in attendance. These are former Weddington council members who at one time would have approved putting that tower near Providence Acres.

I urge you to keep up-to-date with what’s going on in our town. As we learned previously, it’s up to all of us to stay current and engaged with what’s going on in Weddington.

Happy Memorial Day!

May 28th, 2012 by admin No comments »

Take a minute today and thank those who have served and given their lives for our country. To get were we are now as a country, it has cost many their lives. And they gave all they have to give, for freedom and independence. These are special people and I hope their sacrifices are never forgotten.

Our Spring Picnic is this SUNDAY!

April 23rd, 2012 by admin No comments »

Providence Acres HOA is hosting our annual Spring Picnic on Sunday April 29th at 1:00pm.

We will be blocking the road in front of Bob and Shirley Jacobs home @ 602 Cottonfield Circle.

We will be providing Hot Dogs this year along with Lemonade and Iced Tea. As always we would love to have you  bring a dish to share with everyone. We will have a brief meeting including a financial report, updates on neighborhood issues and homes for sale.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us!

See you Sunday!

Weddington Moves Forward Towards Municiple Fire Service

April 4th, 2012 by admin No comments »

This is pulled from an email I received from Judy Johnston who is working tirelessly to save Providence VFD.

The following is directly from her email.

Here is the discussion, consideration AND the motion to move the process forward towards a Weddington Municipal Fire Service.  Councilman Daniel Barry made the motion which Councilwoman Pamela Hadley seconded.  It passed 3 to 1 with Councilman Thomisser opposed.

There still seems to be quite a lot of confusion about what this means.  A municipal fire service IS NOT the same as a municipal fire department OR a municipal fire district (although we have loosely used the term “district” over the past year).

As a municipal fire service all three fire departments will be utilized unless they choose to no longer serve the residents of Weddington.  The town wants to work with them and recognizes the importance of all three fire departments!

The town currently contracts with all three fire departments.  As a municipal fire service all three departments will continue to contract with the town.

Fire revenue will be collected by the town instead of the county.  We will NO LONGER send money to Union County for fire service.  This revenue will be collected along with the Weddington property tax.  Currently we all pay 3.0 cents per $100 of assessed property value to Weddington.  The numbers being discussed are an additional 2.2 – 3.0 cents per $100 of assessed property value to cover fire services.  That’s a combined rate of 5.2 – 6.0 cents.  For those currently in the Wesley Chapel Fire District this means no to very little change in your taxes.  For residents in the Providence and Stallings Fire Districts this means a larger increase because currently we only pay $100 per household for emergency coverage.  I have some rate impact charts at this link: http://weddingtonfireservice.com/reference-material/documents/rate-charts/ .  Refer to these charts to figure your individual change in expense.

As a municipal fire service the individual fire departments will continue to run as independent departments.  The town will not need to hire additional employees or create a liaison to those departments.  Ambulance and 911 calls will be dispatched and handled as they currently are handled.

Some Weddington neighborhoods will be reassigned to be served by the closest fire department.  This will be done to IMPROVE emergency response time to your home!

The town recognizes the need for 24/7 fire service and wants to continue this service from the Providence Fire Department.

Enjoy the audio and if you have questions please feel free to email Mayor Walker Davidson, Councilwoman Pamela Hadley, Councilwoman Barbara Harrison, Councilman Daniel Barry, or Mayor Walker Davidson.  They have put many, MANY hours of hard work into the due diligence to make sure this is the best solution for the town from both a public safety AND financial standpoint.  I am more than impressed with our Mayor and the professional way he has worked through the various scenarios.  Here’s a link to their addresses:  http://townofweddington.com/town-government/town-council/

Of course I am also available to answer your questions to the best of my ability.

Best Regards,

Judy Johnston

Spring Time in Providence Acres

March 20th, 2012 by admin No comments »

These beautiful pictures from within our neighborhood were taken by Crystal Flint. What a great area we live in!




Break in at Providence Acres

March 7th, 2012 by admin No comments »

On 03/05/2012 between the hours of 8:00 AM & 3:00 PM there was a break in to a house in the development of Providence Acres located just off of Rt16 and south of Rea Rd.  The suspects entered the house by unknown means and stole a TV and VCR then drove away in a silver SUV and a white sedan. There is no suspect description or further vehicle description at this time. I will pass on any additional information concerning this crime if and when I get it. 
Please keep in mind that most residential burglaries take place during the day when people are at work.  If you are home during the day and observe a suspicious car or person please call 911 immediately, and if possible get a description of the person(s) and vehicle including a tag number.
We are all neighbors, let’s watch out for each other. Report any suspicious activity.

HOA Dues

February 13th, 2012 by admin No comments »

Hi folks,
Just a reminder that your 2012 HOA dues were due on January 31st. If you have not paid yet, please do do immediately.
Our dues pay for lawn maintenance and lighting of our front entrance, and our street lights on Cottonfield Circle amount other things.
Remember when you purchased your home in Providence acres you signed a contract to follow the HOA convenants as well as pay your yearly dues.
If you are having some financial hardships, please contact me and we can work out a payment plan.
Craig Hurt – Treasurer PAHOA

Please mail payments to:
PO Box 143
Waxhaw, NC 28173