Fall Picnic 2012

September 11th, 2012 by admin Leave a reply »

The 2012 PAHOA Fall Picnic is scheduled for October 14th, 2012 at 1:00pm at the Jacobs home. We will have the set up in the Jacobs’ front yard this year. So mark your calendars and look for your ballot coming soon in the mail.

Your HOA board will be providing BBQ and iced tea, lemonade and paper products. We ask you bring a side dish, a chair and come to the HOA Fall meeting and vote for the 2013 board! All plot owners in good standing with their HOA dues are eligible to vote.

The HOA could use some new members. Most of the current board have been serving for many years.  Just as in previous years we are always looking for new people to be on the Home Owners Association Board. Being a good neighbor is what it’s all about. It’s also great way to meet and get to know your neighbors. Giving your time to ensure the quality of Providence Acres is well worth it. We encourage you to join the the PAHOA team!

Feel free to contact any of your board members for details or just send a comment to the website administrator.


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